The initial visit requires a full consultation and chiropractic examination with Dr Nana to determine if chiropractic can help you. All procedures are explained beforehand and your care can begin on the first visit. As most people have chronic subluxation patterns, it is very rare that your health problems will resolve after just one or two spinal adjustments.
To achieve long-lasting results and improvement in your overall health, consistent care is required for at least 2-3 months. The visit frequency begins at 3-4 visits per week and is reduced accordingly as your nervous system begins to function more optimally. Once you are more stable, continuing care on a maintenance basis is up to you. Depending on your condition and your lifestyle, this can vary between once or twice a month to once every two months.
Previous clients of Dr. Nana who have not been seen for over 2 years, require additional consultation and examination time (Re-Activation). If you have not been seen by Dr. Nana for over 10 years, your initial visit must be scheduled as a New Client Consultation.
* In order to secure your New Client Consultation appointment time, payment is required within 24 hours. This amount is non-refundable, but transferable if more than 48 hours advanced notice is given. We look forward to helping to improve your healing capacity.